The pleasure of being asked by Roadsworth to write the introduction to the first book chronicling his work was only outdone by seeing the Roadsworth book itself when it arrived in the mail recently. I’ve followed Roadsworth’s work with great interest andContinue Reading

Today’s preview of an Urban Play artist brings Poland’s Truthtag into focus. As is the case with putting together any show, there is an ebb and flow to the list of artists as work progresses, but within the Urban PlayContinue Reading

Today’s preview of an Urban Play artist brings Madrid’s SpY into the light. The thing I’ve always liked about SpY is the width and breadth of his work and media. From anchoring glow sticks into the pavement to turn aContinue Reading

photo by Mark Jenkins Needless to say, I’m a huge fan of Mark Jenkins‘ work. What always impresses me about his body of work is not only the quality of the finished pieces, but the way in which he integratesContinue Reading

Photo Credit: Joao Pina for The New York Times The New York Times just published a fine article about the dilemma facing Portugal that a collection of the famed Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa’s papers might be sold and leave theContinue Reading

Last night CutUp installed their latest batch of work throughout London. For those of you not (yet) familiar with CutUp, they specialize in physically remixing the urban visual, taking down billboards, cutting them up into pixels, and re-installing them toContinue Reading