Reprogramming the City by Scott Burnham

The culmination of years of research, exhibition, and projects, the Reprogramming the City book is now available! “Anyone reading Scott Burnham’s essential book will emerge reassured by the transformative power of agency and creativity in the world’s urban centers that isContinue Reading

A combination of exhibition, projects and events, Reprogramming The City will explore ways in which existing urban infrastructure is being re-purposed, reused and reinvented in cities around the world to change or increase its functionality in cities, and enhance theContinue Reading

For most people with even a passing interest in innovative urban problem-solving, the words Jaime Lerner and Curitiba, Brazil will hold special reverence. Lerner is the urban planner and three-times mayor of Curitiba who transformed the once traffic-congested, economically andContinue Reading

I’m in Chicago as a guest lecturer at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and loving it. As many of you know, Chicago is an architectural feast, and being able to combine business and architectural sight seeing inContinue Reading