I’ve had a decent run in the media lately, which continues with a fairly lengthy article on me in the October issue of EnRoute magazine. It’s interesting that years ago articles were being written about me bringing street art into the gallery, and now the articles are about me bringing the gallery into the streets. I guess the circle is complete.
It’s a well-written piece which features, both in the magazine and online, some nice images of Roadsworth and I hanging out while he does some new work (as seen above), and quotes from others and their observations on what I do. (Now I know.) While it’s rewarding to hear a critic comment that “Burnham creates opportunities to tell stories that aren’t being told in mainstream galleries,” I’m also left to ponder how I feel about being referred to as “a kind of anti-curator”; (though “irreverent”, I do like). So while I wrestle with those issues, make up your own mind and read the article here.